Wallpaper of the Week #80 - James WhiteThe wallpaper of this week is from James White and it is simply awesome. James created this design for a poster for the Abduzeedo 3rd Anniversary. It's colorful and full of light effects, everything we here at Abduzeedo love and have posted about during this 3 inspiring years. For more information about James White's work visit his website at http://www.signalnoise.com/, you won't regret it :) Desktop Version
Christmas WallpaperIt's Christmas time and nothing better than changing the desktop wallpaper to celebrate. I've been using the wallpaper I created for the last tutorial using Cinema 4D and Photoshop and now I want to share it with you in different resolutions. If you have a nice Christmas wallpaper that you found or created, share it with us. Leave a comment with the link to the wallpaper.
Wallpaper of the Week #79 - David MaschaThe wallpaper of this week is another beautiful design created by David Mascha, a artist and designer from Vienna, Austria. David is part of the DEPTHCORE collective and he has been working since 2005 for several design studios from Viena and other international projects. For more information visit David Mascha's website at http://www.davidmascha.com/
Wallpaper of the Week #78 - Into1The wallpaper of this week is a beautiful design created by Tim & Bram Vanhaeren. They are both graphic designers based in Kapellen, Belgium and they run a design studio called Into 1. They also run Wallpaperart.org, a blog constantly in search for the most incredible wallpaper art for your desktop. Wallpaperart aims to bring the art closer to the user by involving the artists through interviews, tutorials, contests and a lot more.
Your Best Shot 2009We all know that Flickr is the best place to find the best photography on the web and this year flickr started an amazing group pool called Your Best Shot 2009 in which any member can send in their best shot. What we got from that is one of the biggest and greatest pool of photography one has ever seen, and here I selected a few to share with you.
Astounding Images from the Bird BookTurning his camera to the world of birds, Andrew Zuckerman has a created a new body of work showcasing more than 200 stunning photographs of nearly 75 different species.
Beautiful Photos from Arezzo's CampaignsArezzo is a famous shoes and accessories brand in Brazil, and their campaigns are really awesome. The photographs are always beautifully produced, very creative and sometimes a bit surreal. This way we are always waiting for their next campaign, to see more of their great work. Arezzo always work with famous Brazilian actresses to make the campaigns look even more local. Their campaigns are all over the place: magazines, outdoors, the web... and for sure they get a lot of attention. The images are really eye catching, check it out!
Effective Photo RetouchingI am always impressed with what we can do in terms of photo manipulation, retouching and CGI. Then I received an email suggesting me to take a look at the work of Happy Finish, a studio specialized and retouching and CGI from London, UK. After checking their site out, I have to say, they have some very effective works. They handle project from large corporations to individual photographes with a impressive team of retouchers and CGI artists. Their portfolio is really impressive, with big names such as Vogue, Dazed, Esquire, Sony, Canon,TWA and others
Beautiful Introspective PhotographyOne of the main reasons why I love photography so much, is that it captures introspective moments so well. Some people might think that being introspective means that you're sad, but they're wrong. Being introspective is much more... is looking inside yourself, looking at your soul. These moments are awesome.
Wallpaper of the Week #77 - Jonathan WongThe wallpaper of this week is a beautiful composotion created by Jonathan Wong, a digital artist from Limerick, Ireland. We have already featured Wong's work here on Abduzeedo. Also he's member of collectives like DepthCORE and Evoke. For more information visit Jonathan's the http://www.artofwong.com
25 Kickass Skydiving PicturesThere are some sports that really deserve being captured on camera. A long time ago we had a post featuring football pictures... today, it's time for some kickass skydiving photography!
Mysterious Photography by Adr DpiAdrian aka adr dpi is a photographer from the UK and has an awesome style of photography that will make you think about each shot. These photos are not the regular landscapes beauty you see everyday, there is something in it that makes it so mysterious and great at the same time. Check it out!
Beautiful Artworks by Jonathan WongJonathan Wong has just updated his portfolio and website with some new and incredible work. If you do not know him, Wong is a digital artist from Ireland and he is part of the DEPTHCORE collective. Also he has an impressive list of clients including big players such as HP, Mazda, Orange, Comcast. Wong has been featured for important magazines like Computer Arts Projects and Photoshop Creative.