Wallpaper of the Week #62 - iseedeadpixelsThe wallpaper of this week is a very cool image created by Leif Incognito, a very young graphic artist from Germany also known as Iseedeadpixels or K-OZ. Despite the young age, Leif has some really nice works mixing a bit of retro style and geometric shapes.
Captivating Romance Scenes CollectionI'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that pictures of people kissing can get very old very fast and some can even be a little bit on the cliché side. But when done right, romance scenes can be beautiful and evoke great emotions in the heart.
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Beautiful and Delicate Photos by SakuraI really LOVE macro... and browsing around Flickr I found the work from Sakura, a girl from Tokyo that has a natural talent to capture beautiful things. Her images are reallly delicate, colorful, inspiring and gorgest. As the images speak for themselves, I have not much to say. And I'm sure you will also like her work... I am a Japanese girl who live in Tokyo. Love to take photos of natures, just like small wild flowers and small creatures, around me. You can find me on flickr.
Wallpaper of the Week #60 - Live LifeThe wallpaper of this week is a image I created for my presentation for the Front-end Design Conference, based on some references from the 80's and the DVNO video-clip, by Justice, it was the last slide of my presentation. You can see the tutorial on how I created this image here.